Judah when first admitted to hospital |
Well let's begin with the fact that Judah's life truly proved to be a miracle this month! Grandma McLane said Saint Jude stood for the Impossible and that is what our sweet Judah has shown! We thought Judah had reflux, he was progressively throwing up more and more and then after every feeding. He actual had something called Pyloric Stenosis, where his stomach muscle grew together and food could no longer pass through. The Doctor could not believe how old and big Judah was. Normally this is detecting in the first month of life, but Judah was much older and bigger, Doctor says, because I treated him too well, keeping him upright with small feedings. He was 10 weeks old when he had the surgery. This is such a testimony of God's goodness. While I would hold Judah 9 hours a day and try to prevent him from vomiting, I would meditate on how God went after the one lost sheep, how God loves His children so much more than I do my own children. At night I"d have to listen to him in case he was vomiting and have him upright in the car seat. That carseat is another testimony of God's provision, how we brought it for Evie Joy to use on the plane and she couldn't because of airbags and we had it here in China for 3 years for no good reason and now, all these weeks it was saving Judah's life. I love how God used what was a burden to be a blessing in our lives.
Judah well enough to get discharged! |
Who's baby is this!? Getting more and more playful! |
After 2 weeks in and out of the hospital, we were able to reunite with our family in the mainland and return home.
Judah loves his new toy- his playmat! He can lay down flat now and enjoy it! He even falls asleep sometimes!
Evie Joy playing with Judah on his mat
He is sleeping in his bed so wonderfully now! About 14 hours at night, laying down on his back! Amazing! It was really dark so this was hard to get a picture of!
If he gets fussy the kids pull out the iPod- he loves music and it usually calms him! And they just pile lots of toys on top of him, funny thing is that is kinda works! One day i was in the shower and he had like 10 toys on him and they made him stop fussing! Ha!
Cannot get enough of these sweet sleeping baby pics especially since we didn't have too many of those for a awhile!
Our sweet friend Juzi! Who actually gave as a gift the outfit he has on! |
Watching a show with Big Bro and Big Sis- he loves the lights and sounds of the tv, ha! |
He loves for his Big Bro and Big Sis to hold him! That helps Mama use 2 hands to get a few things done! Poor Jo right after this picture Judah pooped on him :( He said Mommy can you please get him?!
He also likes his mobile above his bed! Yay for fun baby toys! |
Judah loves when the kids talk to him, he gets so excited. I'll have to get a picture or video of that soon.
Some friends at our home with Judah and Jo's matching outfits! |
These ladies took a break from digging a parking lot to get a picture with Judah! |
This little girl is 6 weeks older than Judah- her Mommy is our fruit lady!
We don't know much about Judah's stats...I do know at the hospital he was down to 12 pounds and went back up to 13 before we left. He had grown 3 inches since birth, so was 24 inches. Weighing him today he seems to be around 15 pounds now, but of course not super accurate. But, definitely back to gaining and growing! He loves going for long walks in the Ergo carrier the best. We've gone dancing a few times on the street corner, him in the sling, and he has enjoyed that too!
We are so thankful, this month, more than ever for his life and know more than ever that it is in the hand of God! Thank you God for entrusting Judah to us!