there are some really sweet things about josiah i've neglected to write for a few months now...
i love it when he does the 'robot' dance
sings the itsy bitsy spider and says 'mommy, itsy spider'...then everything is the 'itsy spider'
his cheeks when he falls asleep, still so sweet
how he rubs his bunny when he falls asleep
puts liek 4 pillows on top of himself to fall asleep
i've neglected these 2 1/2 years to write on here jo and mommy's 4 songs:
1. Mommy "mommy love, mommy love, who does mommy love?" Josiah "jo jo"
2. Mommy " I love me a Jo Jo, yes I do, how about you?" Jo "Why yes of course I do!" and then he will say "how about you Daddy, MiMi, Poppe...etc...?" and they must sing the song
3. Mommy "Mommy loves a Jo, Daddy loves a Jo" Jo "Everybody loves a Jo Jo"
4. "Mommy and Jo Jo best of buddies" (that's it to that one)
I love it when I return home and Josiah runs to me and hugs me and says "Mommy, miss you, miss you!"
We say "Are you OK?" And he says "Yes, I'm fine" no matter if he is bleeding or something is really wrong, he will say, "I'm fine" in response to the ? "Are you OK?"
I don't want to forget how he imitates us with his toys- one day he took 2 camels and said, "Mommy, Daddy miss you " then made the camels kiss (made kissing noise)
after someone or so many times his cheeks get slapped, he will say "oh no, my cheeks!" it is quite cute. yesterday he got an ac installed in his room, covering up a hole in the wall. he said, "oh no, my house" because he liked to look out the hole at all the houses. he looks outside our living room window and calls the buildings 'dinosaurs"
Eric said "you are a funny guy" Josiah said "No, I'm Josiah" And he says this in response to anything you call him....I said to Evie Joy "Hey Little Girl" and Josiah said "NO, that's Sissy!"
When someone knocks at the door, he runs to the door and says "Xie Xie" which means Thank you! Ha, gotta love JO!
Awww. He is such a sweet boy! You have a few of my favorite mommy loves too...
Isaac's cheeks when he just wakes up from a nap are so warm and squishy. Like when I first kissed him after he was born. And I have several pictures of him with a pillow on top of him sound asleep. :) We have songs too...but I might just do my own post about those!
Josiah, You look so grown up with your new hair cut! I like how you are drawing and writing on your chalk board!! What a nice picture!! I'm thinking you might need a bigger tub to take a bath in pretty soon, but it sure looks like you are having fun in that green one!!! We love you and miss you!! MiMi and Poppe.
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