check out what i built- isn't it cool! I've improved a lot in my building skills, hugh! Really, i did this all by myself except Mom adding maybe 5 blocks and holding my really high tower sometimes for balance. I thought ya'll be impressed!!

I kept making it higher and higher, i think it got to 16 stories before it fell.

And this is just a funny Jo face
Josiah!!! You are such a great builder! I hope you realize that you are the most blessed, handsome, gifted, talented and love young man around!!! Your personality just comes shining though in your pictures. Mimi and Poppi just want to grab you up and hug and kiss you!! It looks like your stitches healed very well too.
Girlll, where are you in him! LOL He's looking SO MUCH like his Daddy! He's so precious, K!
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