As you can tell, I love meeting people. Above, I am greeting those passing by on the street and below, i'm making friends with some exercisers at the track. Recently at a hotel, all the staff knew me because i was always greeting them; last week at a wedding, i went to every table and personally greeted every person i could

Ok, so what else have i been doing that isn't already on my blog? Well, i've been taking my pants off and my diaper...ahh!! So far, it has only been pee diapers, but we are a little afraid when it becomes more. I am running all over the place and trying to march, but it normally ends up being just a one legged march. 2 of my fav foods are mac and cheese and rice (not together- but it is amazing how i have chosen a local food and an American one). Daddy recently taught me how to flick a ping pong ball between my fingers so i've been practicing that new skill. In addition to saying "Ahhh" after i drink, i like to say "MMM" after i take a bite. I was saying Dog, Duck and Quack all the time a few weeks back but the past week or so i've taken a break. I prefer to make noises rather than actually say real words. We hear that is a boy thing. I call a noodle a "doo" and i can distinguish a banana, calling it "nana" but i also am now calling just about everything "nana"...a little confusing. Big Daddy mailed me "Word World" and it has become one of my new favorite shows. The dvd has 4 shows on it and Mom and Dad are a little tired of watching the same ones, but i never tire of it. And a few weeks back i weighed at 9.2 kg- a little over 20 pounds- which is great for me because i still happily swing in my swing (until 25 pounds!) These are some things about me, thanks for catching up.
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