Monday, October 26, 2009

what seems like a world tour...makin a single a double

we've been traveling- went to Philly to the wedding, went to NJ to see Rach and her precious family, went to Kansas to see our sweet grown daughter Denise & hubby Joel, now we are in Richmond visiting with Sheila and will be at meetings this week and top it off with a visit from lots and lots of flights we have had- Jo does airports well, much better than car seats and cars because he knows airports, what to expect, etc... more than car seats- people look at us a bit strange traveling with 2 children under the age of 2- well, we are a bit strange...but here people were complimenting us on our ingenuity - in making our single stroller a double :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you need a double stroller? I'll be praying that you get one. It's really helpful.
