Saturday, September 29, 2018

Judah Homeschool Preschool 2017

 Above, Judah is so great at building and creating
 Judah is great at puzzles and blocks
Below, he is painting some of his rocks he's collected from outside
He loves rocks and sticks...

 Another great magnetic invention
And puzzles below

 Here he is doing legos and chalk in his school room

 his number 4...pretty good but backwards 

 I wanted to save this note he got in the mail from sweet Ms. Carla from the states.  He initially did speech with her before we returned back overseas.  
 chalk outside and shaving cream

 taking some art class with the bigs

 his peacock 
 making jaozi with Ayi

 We had a sweet lady, Ms. Keilda work with Judah this year to help him 
get to normal on track speech level 

 I love these hand and feet turkeys the littles made

 He loves practicing his ABC book

 I love how creative he is! 

 He is really good at these shape puzzles too! 

 sequence cards
 He is really into spelling "Mom" as momo

 I love that Judah wears super hero outfits as his normal clothes

 We do a new Bible story each week with a coloring page
He has done a great job learning all the stories, verses and songs this year!
 leaves and pennies fun

He loves using Uno cards to sort colors and numbers 

 And loves wresting with Daddy

 love how sweet he looks here on his scooter
he has gotten quite good and fast
He also gives Mommy so many hugs and kisses each day, one of my favorites!
 above, he and CG were in the same VBS class and made these beautiful crosses 
 he and CG were chalk drawing "wind" ha
 fun guy!

 teaching CG a Bible story! 
Judah loves to retell the story of Jesus and how he didn't stay on the cross and didn't stay dead!
 He gets so excited! 

 Evie Joy doing class with the littles 

 Judah in speech! He has come such a long way! We are so thankful!

 sand/snow fun! 

 This kid loves counting! 

 morning stations for skittles

 cars and slime

 Easter - isn't he handsome! 

 slime and eggs

 play doh and letters in shaving cream

 I love this below, he was teaching the stuffed animals like Evie Joy does! 
 And this was a class of his also...

 Above, singing a praise song outside! 

 loves climbing trees!  

 painting with water outside

 jumping in the rain puddles!

 He loves playing ABC Go Fish

 Awesome drawing turtles

 Morning Busy Box fun
 He can count all the way to 100...great job!

 He was stuck all about his name beginning with an "R" for awhile...He loves the letter R!

 His Mom sign..."Moom"
And his name "Rymer Judah"

 Above, playing doggie with littles
Below, he wanted to make a Happy Birthday sign

 loves play doggies and real ones

 tree climbing, the Lake and boat 

 playing in the sand fun
loving Super Why these days

 love Mom above 
and I want to be a trash man when I grow up
totally cried about this one
since my Dad, Big Daddy, who Judah has never met, was a trash man

 4 little people studying above
and fun preschool learning with EJ!

1 comment:

Mimi and Poppe Rymer said...

Judah! You are growing up too fast! Slow down please. We are so proud of how well you are doing with your school work and speech. I can't wait to hear you share a story with Mimi and Poppe! Keep learning and helping with the littles. You are a good boy!