we are still having a great time having some structured learning with mommy at home!
here we played with rice and beans!

exercise time!

sissy practicing her numbers :)

a little down time with mommy :)

free play in the tent!


reading time! we love books!
josiah could have reading time for 2 hours straight, it's awesome!


some ART

all in all, we are doing great, having a great time, learning, loving, growing...
and what is awesome is that the stability and stimulation at home seems to make trips out more positive- they are more obedient to us and loving towards the locals this month! Awesome!
Our Father in Heaven is so good to us!
1 comment:
Preschool at home looks very productive and fun!!! You are all learning so much and growing in wisdom and knowledge and favor with God and man!!! Love it!!!
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