jo loved this little girl...he followed her around for like an hour and a half...they were so cute chatting something in

we met a lot of fun
kidos this day at

this little girl was our
fav!!! she is a few months younger than Evie Joy! Josiah especially loved her! I guess because he knew just how to be sweet to her just like his sissy...

playing guns outside at a little shop while waiting on our noodles (post to come)
we have been loving this is like upper 40's, low 50's, maybe even sometimes upper 50's so we only have to wear 2 layers instead of 5....we are
soooo happy to get out and play and make friends! normally the kids here go to school 8-5, then have 3 hours of
hw so they never come out to play when school is in! so we love that school is out and we have so many people to meet and play with!

daddy says this is really how they feel about us being here, ha ha!

friends came to my house to visit and play!

this is our water man's son...he was a little shy the first time meeting him, hopefully we can play again some day !

at the park, i met this little boy...walked hand in hand for 45 minutes or so, it was awesome! he was so sweet! we were chatting about all sorts of things, i was practicing all my
chinese i could :)

well that's all for now...more to come!
i am loving my life in china!
yay for chuan jie time!
I love the word "chinglish"!
Do you have wall to wall carpet in your living room or is it just a really big rug? I want a video and/or lots of pics of your apartment. We see bits of where you live, but I want a cyber tour! (unless you have reservations about it for some reason...then i will happily take the bits and pieces I get)
Wow!!! You are having so much fun while everyone is on holiday!!! So glad you are making friends and having fun!!!
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