Nonetheless, he was VERY excited on Cmas morning :)
He has been counting down the days til he could open his presents
he got a new veggie tales dvd from MiMi, Poppe- actually he attributed every gift as being from MiMi, Poppe...not Santa, not whomever we tried to convince him it was from :) it was quite cute
The first of three Cmas Dinners

on the far left- the little girl is in his preschool class, that is her Grandma who is super nice to Mommy and talks to her every class, Josiah's friend Dou Dou and his parents came, his 2 preschool teachers, Ayi and her family as well as Jane and Tina
so Josiah was estatic that sooo many people he had relationship with and enjoyed being with were at his house on Christmas!
when they came, he ran to the door and said "my teachers my teachers, i have class!" it was so funny because he thought since his teachers were here, we were having "class" at our house!

Josiah with Ayi and family
Jo with Jane & Tina
on the second night, Josiah decided to join the adult table for some conversation...
here he is with his xiao pengyou table
playing trains and blocks in his room
he actually did this every night but i didn't get a picture of it
he'd stand up and mimic what Eric would do, very cute
1 comment:
They are getting so big!! Love it!
Love you!
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