this is Josiah's first Easter Egg Hunt
It was at the Brook's home (Issac & Owen)
He was very confused about the concept. He was happy after just finding 1 egg and eatting his starburst out of it so it was very difficult to get him motivated to find more & more...

all the kidos at the hunt- we are so thankful to get to celebrate Easter with such good friends!

Josiah & Evie Joy on Easter morning

they were more interested in cars than getting their picture taken

isn't he handsome!?
answer- YES!

i love this one- it is like little Eric & little Katie- both with lots of excitement!

this is later at MiMi & Poppe's with Aunt Pam
she had all kinds of goodies for Jo and they played and played and played!

eatting Peeps from Aunt Pam's basket for me :)!
AFter i was finished them I said "WOW!"

overall, a terrific day & when i went shopping with Mommy the night before, i was able to tell the Easter story and say Happy Easter to some grocery shopping folks too!
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