i am learning to color, mostly i like sorting the crayons but i can scribble a bit and daddy has been teaching me to dance. hopefully we will get a good video of that. (Videos and pics are difficult at times bc i see the camera and want to play with it and stop doing whatever it is mommy and daddy are trying to record for you out there-so we aplogize for the not so great videos but hopefully you can still enjoy his stepping stones) i am learning to use the spoon and feed myself and say "All Done" in sign language. One thing that is really sweet about me is "giving love"; if you say Jo give "Mommy/Daddy/any person or stuffed animal" love then i will go over to them and rub them gently. We love this new skill!
above- feed self; below- all done
I also love giving high fives, but when we go outside the Chinese people don't know how to do high five, mom tries to explain to the kids what i am trying to do but they don't understand so it's kinda sad. i'm sure i'll keep trying to teach them.
i love those videos!! keep em coming!!
Josiah! You are learning soooooo much sooo quickly!! Look at you feeing yourself and talking and learning sign language!!! We can hardly wait until we can build blocks with you and read together and color together! It will be lots of fun!! We are really proud of you trying to make friends on the street and teaching others about high fiving. You have such an outgoing personality! Uncle Travis and Aunt Rebeca watched your videos with us yesterday and they are just as proud as we are of you!!
Stay warm and we look forward to you giving us love and us givig you love when you get here!!
Mimi and Poppi
I LOVE IT!!! It's like he was looking at us. He's growing so well.
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