Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Weeks 3 and 4 Baby Baby!

This baby is such a sweet sleeper!

I do enjoy some alert awake time now…maybe about 3 hours a day
He loves outside!  Awake and asleep!  It immediately relaxes him!

Here, Big Sis EJ is giving him an infant massage.  He seemed to really like it!
His first baseball game at 1 month, the Lookouts won!
Out for a romantic evening with Mommy and Daddy…slept through most of that!

Josiah entertaining baby while Mommy gets some things done!
Judah loving on baby which he does all day long and loves to wake up baby with his aggressive love!
At his 1 month check up he was up to 9 pounds 9 ounces!  He loves being in a sling at least a few hours a day…He eats about every 2 hours and at night goes one long stretch of 5 hours.  He loves to be outside like i said and go for walks.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Cute Elijah Shots Weeks 1 and 2!

 Judah was so EXCITED about the baby!

Evie Joy is such a great big Sister!
She made Elijah an extra cushioned birthday party hat!
Elijah Day 3 with MiMi and Poppe!

kiddos climb in bed with Mommy & Elijah!
Handmade Welcome Home signs from kiddos!

This is my favorite sign:

sweet sleeping Baby!

I like how awake and alert he is here!

i love going for walks with my Mommy!

At his 2 week appointment he was 8 pounds 11 ounces and 20.5 inches long!
He is doing great, the second week he is sleeping a long stretch of 6 hours and then 3 hours!