Monday, January 30, 2012
Friday, January 27, 2012
Learning to Spell GOD
Friday, January 20, 2012
A few Highlights from Evie Joy's Frist Real Semester at Chinese Preschool
Kids' Preschool Dancing 3
this year i go to University class at the same time the kids have Preschool so i haven't gotten to stick around for fun dancing videos and pictures, but last week I was out of school and they still had class so i attempted to get a few videos :) enjoy!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Local Preschool Fall 2011
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Monday, January 9, 2012
a lot of rainy days...
Friday, January 6, 2012
Evie Joy's Christmas 2011
so here is our attempt at re-capturing some of Evie Joy's Christmas!
It was fun with Evie Joy this year because it was the first year she really began understanding the story of Christmas and could be excited and celebrating!
This is our first Christmas Dinner with friend Kelly and Chris- she loves playing with Kelly!
MiMi gave Evie Joy a dress that had a matching dress for baby doll :)

very excited to play with Ivan!

friends Ivan and Winnie came and spent the week with us! Evie Joy loved playing with them and getting tons of extra attention and love!
Josiah 4, Evie Joy almost 2 1/2! Christmas 2011! She is so funny in her smile-s he always smiles so big, her eyes close :)

It was fun with Evie Joy this year because it was the first year she really began understanding the story of Christmas and could be excited and celebrating!
very excited to play with Ivan!
friends Ivan and Winnie came and spent the week with us! Evie Joy loved playing with them and getting tons of extra attention and love!
I love my froggie pj's if you haven't already noticed! i have lots of pretty clothes and warm little outfits too but my pj's are my favorite. I beg Mommy and Daddy to wear them everyday!
i got these cool high heels! had to take my froggies off to try them on! my local friends loved them!
me and my special friend Nancy- she has been our tutor for a year and a half now and she is gong back home now to find a real job :(
Again, froggie happy! love this smile on this kid! I got my cool high heels, a Noah's Ark, some books and puzzles and Boz videos (the only show i really enjoy) and a Princess castle! Oh yes and lots of candy! A funny is that she got a book about Jonah and she said Mommy i've gotta go get my Jonah boat- haha- i tried explaining that was the wrong story- it was Noah's Ark!
oh yes, i loved playing on Winnie's ipod!
our family with our special friends- Ivan and Winnie!
This was from our second Christmas Dinner- 2 little girls from Brother's class and a little boy from the playground :) I'm sporting my pretty red Christmas sweater
During their visit, Ivan and Winnie cooked dinner for us, which we ate way more of than Mommy's Christmas Dinner! Here i am eating some fish eye. After I ate it, I said, " Can i have more?! " haha

This was our Christmas/ New Year's Party with English Corner Students- i kept my hair bow in maybe 20 minutes???
here i have on my red pj's because the froggies (my favorites) were dirty. I'm beginning to enjoy all pj's that feel like the froggies- yup i wear them everyday! Here i am helping our friends act out the Christmas story! I usually am a sheep in the play and can "baaa" like the best of them!
I did not want to get lots of pictures taken like brother but i was more than happy to get my picture taken with Jack! WE love Jack! He is one of our friends who comes over to study English!
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