The top picture was Alaska, a polar bear :) on the side of the Alaska picture up top, he also drew Jesus in the manger and the 3 wise men- they all go together, don't they :)
We made some turkeys out of toilet paper rolls- Josiah was super careful how he painted each feather And Evie Joy made the paper turkey- she loves coloring, cutting, pasting so she loved this- Jo cut his up...
Josiah, not sure if he is a Pilgrim or Indian, cooking his food over the fire
above- a bit blurry but i love it- Josiah is an Indian in his tent and Evie Joy is a Pilgrim in her duck boat crossing the ocean :)
Pilgrim Evie Joy
Evie Joy loves reading the Bible- she spends huge amounts of time each day reading and rehashing her bible stories

practicing drawing shapes with pudding :) we've been learning our shapes in English and Chinese :)

They love drawing on the wall in our kitchen- MiMi got us some smaller white board markers and they are awesome especially when Mom is in the kitchen cooking for hours a day, give kids lots of fun :) Evie JOy is pretty obsessed with writing her name since Josiah has learned his full name and practices writing his name, she is always pretending and somewhat writing "Joy" and says "Evie Joy Rymer"
dancin...right now they are loving what we call the "Kangaroo Hop" cd from Tara- almost everyday we hop and dance to that cd
I think my Jo looks so big here-wow! He is loving this Leapster writing pad MiMi gave him- he has learned so much from it and it has been an awesome tool for him to practice writing his letters and shapes and even people :)

Not sure if you can really tell what we are thankful for but this is our thankful tree- thought Josiah did a good job tracing the title too :) Mostly Josiah is thankful for his toys and Evie Joy is thankful for her family...toward the end of the month Josiah finally got the idea that he was suppose to be thankful for real things, not just toys so maybe it was a good learning activity :)
Whelp, that's all for now...We are always learning so i'm sure they'll be more to share soon :)
Not sure if you can really tell what we are thankful for but this is our thankful tree- thought Josiah did a good job tracing the title too :) Mostly Josiah is thankful for his toys and Evie Joy is thankful for her family...toward the end of the month Josiah finally got the idea that he was suppose to be thankful for real things, not just toys so maybe it was a good learning activity :)
Whelp, that's all for now...We are always learning so i'm sure they'll be more to share soon :)
This ONE post gave me about 1000 ideas to do with my kids. I am SO not a teacher I'll take all the ideas I can steal from others any day! Keep 'em coming! Your kids are too cute!
You guys are learning so much!!! You have an amazing Mommy to teach you in so many different ways!!!
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