And here she is all ready to go after a great day at Chinese Preschool! Love that girl!
~I love it when she says "No Brother Don't do that!"
~"I didn't poo poo, I just farted!"
~she breaks out into singing "You Yi Wei Shen!"
~says "Obey Mommy DAddy!"
~"no, i not tired"
~"I exercising"
~"okay" with a nod
~"yeah-s" (yes)
~"I do it myself!"
~"Please, can I have milk"
~"Xiao Mama guo lai"
~"MiMi, I eat my booger"
~On the plane "In China, I buy my squeaky shoes"
~"Mommy, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you"
~to Llama " I love you, sit in your chair, eat your dinner"
I love her sweet kisses and her "thank yous"
Most recently
~God of Jesus "This is My Son, I am so proud for him" ( in a deep Darth Vader type voice)
~"I not little, I just right!"
~looking in the mirror "I so pretty, I xiao mei nu"
She reads books for hours a day. She loves studying and practicing her Chinese- these things are awesome :) She also loves Boz, the friendly bear- the only show she will watch :) Mama is happy she likes to watch something at least and for our sweet friends who have sent us Boz to enjoy!
And I Love to hear her sing OH HOW I LOVE JESUS! It is the sweetest something!
She spends alot of her "free" time reading the Jesus Storybook Bible rehearsing the stories Daddy has most recently taught her and spanking anything/one in sight (which she is not allowed to play but still tries)...we are a bit concerned this must be how she sees us...oh dear!
Right now she is laying on top of the couch saying "This is my bed!" eating a cough drop- she is kinda excited she is sick so she can have cough drops- strange child!
I love her little dance moves and hops- they are precious! I am just loving her 2 years plus- very enjoyable! painting, dancing, learning, growing- precious! I am trying to be deliberate to just sit and enjoy her daily- I know this little preciousness will not last forever and it is a great gift. I've most recently decided it is a great tragedy if mommy(s) don't deliberating take time and sit and enjoy their kiddos- there will always be things to get down- we need to enjoy the very gifts God has given us to love and cherish!
Just today she said Oh learn my ABC's, lianxi Zhongwen ( Practice Chinese!)- hilarious---Josiah tried to explain to her that she had it all wrong- ABC's are not Chinese :)
And i love her sweet prayers- right now she seems to have such a soft heart towards the things of God- it is such a breath of fresh air to my soul!
Praising God for my Evie Joy!