haha above- i told them
i'd be right back and we'd do our bible story and they took the liberty to begin without me :) they love these bible stories, our sweet friend
alison gave them to us from Desiring God, we've even tried saying some in Chinese
haha! but they are super great, simple enough that the kids can easily repeat the story and 'get' the concepts!

we've been trying to work on sorting, counting in English and some in Chinese, Josiah really likes just counting but not the idea of sorting and counting so it usually takes some m&
m's if they participate :)

i usually just try to get
EJ to recognize her numbers but from Jo & I practicing
i've heard her at random times just bust out a count from 1-5 and 1-10 -so she is learning something!

i found these different shapes and colors candies i thought would be a fun incentive to sort/count and then eat as a prize but they've proven to not taste so yummy so we just count them and get the m&ms as a prize :)

they love painting! And luckily we have great friends Alison & Karissa (Issac,Owen,
Karsten, James,Karlee& Lindsey too) who send us all sorts of great stuff like this water paint that
EJ just uses water with, it's great for her!

look how dirty her little fingers get and she only uses water! :)

these are kinda blurry
bc they were in the middle of dancing :) they still love dancing!
i'm not too incredibly disciplined these days.
i'm trying to finish my semester out strong and still teach them a little here and there but i
don't' really like having to create things on my own, teaching activities/lessons for them, although they are simple, i just
dont' have any creative juices these days.
i'm hoping i can find something that it's already laid out for me in a book/workbook type thing. i get tired of having to look online for ideas/prep. our
Internet is slow and it takes 10 minutes just to begin the search so
i'm being somewhat of a slacker these days and they prefer me to actually have lessons prepared for them so hopefully
i'll get my act together soon, in the meantime
i'm thankful for great friends and family that send us educational activities and books...thanks for blessing our lives in
spectacular ways! we love and appreciate you all!
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