This little one especially :) She was cracking me up in her pretty dress with baby and brother's hat
josiah being very kind to his sister, allowing her to wear his hat

loving the slide!
some sweet friends sent us some sidewalk chalk and we had a good time with some kids here decorating the ground :) i'm sure someone peed on it later :(
EJ is obcessed with babies here and gets so tickled when she sees one carried in a basket, sometimes the grandpas/grandmas even let ej give it a try :)
EJ playing outside!

sorry this is blurry, i had E's little camera, but Jo was just having so much fun with his little friend who is in his preschool class, she lives in our complex too
sorry this is blurry, i had E's little camera, but Jo was just having so much fun with his little friend who is in his preschool class, she lives in our complex too
Thank you so much for sharing your day(s) with us!!! We love seeing the pictures of things you are doing. Josiah, you are a great big brother - sharing your hat and other toys!!! Evie Joy, you are a terrific mommy to your babies!! I like that you are able to ride on the glider board too - how fun!!!
We REALLY love the sunglasses!!! Way tooooooo cute!!
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