josiah had the best time running around exploring with
Dou DouDou Dou is a little over 2 :)

such a fun time jumping!

here is
josiah NOT coming when told to, ugh...mostly he has such a good time but then he has his " i just turned 3" year old moments!

josiah was super excited about climbing the rocks with daddy again! he was just looking at pictures this week when he first did this and so it was fresh on his mind
he kept saying "climb rocks with daddy!"

now our new friend with his super duper camera and skills took these shots:
the first one is of course Jo in time out :(

and here having a serious chat with mommy

Chao Ren (Super
heros) with new friend
1 comment:
I have just got caught up on the last week or so's posts... and would just like to say that it makes me feel much less like a failure as a mom to see your kids in picture form melting down... esp to hear about EJ and her crazy fits. Isaiah is the same age and boy can he throw down...back arched, face angered, screaming bloody-murder, fit. Isaac never really had those kind, so it's good to see another 2nd child doing so... well, as good as a fit can be anyway. Misery loves company! Your kids are so cute... I wish we had a friend with a nice camera!
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