i cannot seem to get these videos to upload correctly so that you can see josiah the entire time so if you are a hardcore jo fan you may need to go to youtube, search wawajosiah and have a peak at them over there, i'm sorry
this part is so sweet, jo and his class laying their heads down...
jo was having a good time
i had some other cheesers too :)
he didnt' quite like wearing the tie this day
sometimes we have GREAT days at class, some days we have some ups and downs...josiah has a very difficult time sitting in his seat during story/lecture time- maybe it is 20 minutes long and of course spoken in really fast Chinese. this along with 'roll call' time and other random 'do nothing' times. but when they have a 'scheduled' activity that he can participate in, he normally has a really positive attitude, etc...during potty break time, it is a little confusing also since josiah is just learning to go potty at home and at school they just have a trough or bucket to go potty in, so that one, we will have to work on :)
i wanted to record his day last thursday, quite eventful: ALL 45 kids push to put away fake fruit toys, josiah turns around, goes back to his seat until pushing kids are finished, then goes & puts his fruit in basket (smart kid); board during story time, decides he is going to play duck duck goose & volunteers classmates, he walks around tapping heads saying one kid pushes him away so hard, he falls down, Jo gets up and shakes his hand (teacher very impressed despite the duck duck goose); when it is sit in your seat time, jo decides he will walk to each table and introduce himself in English to the other children (is very cute btw) Good thing there is ALOT of dancing so he can redeem himself a little!! Also this week, one of Jo's classmates apparently went potty in his pants and didn't have a spare pair so he was sitting literally butt naked in his chair so we gave the teacher an extra pair we had in our bag :) BTW, he really likes his teachers and hugs and even sometimes kisses them and is very good about following their instruction- this we are impressed with since it is all in Chinese too.
Yay! I was sad he wasn't in the head on the tables video, but the pics helped:) Keep the preschool videos coming! I love to hear of all his successes! (and the not so good days too, just to help us know kinda what to expect).
Had you taught him to speak any Mandarin before you left? We've taught Isaac to count to 10 (in bahasa) and he knows a few other words like "Night market" and "fireflies" (they're part of a book we have)...
thanks for the preschool post! Keep 'em coming:)
he is in the video, i guess you have to go to youtube to acutally see it, sorry. i'm not really a bloggin expert. Josiah was learning a few phrases in Chinese when he began speaking but then from 18 months to 2 1/2 years, the time which he learned his greatest vocabulary he was not exposed to any language. The language is a smaller barrier for him at preschool in comparison to the cultural differences in 'having class' for a 2/3 year old. he learns most from the music and finger play type stories...unlike AM type preschool/class there is no time to run around at a playground or have free play. There are 'down' times but the kids are suppose to sit in their seats for that, very confusing and frustrating culturally. we would never 'plan' such a thing for a 2/3 year old. josiah really loves that he can greet people on the street- he can say "shake hands" "hello" "uncle" "aunt" "thank you" so i think these things empower him to respond kindly to the locals esp. since he gets sooo much attention. i'd encourage teaching issac these and practicing them with him, if mandarian is the common language among your 'neighbors' Also josiah loves watching this chinese sheep cartoon called "xi yang yang" you can google it and watch some. i suggest allowing issac to watch some cartoons in chinese. this seems to help jo :) thanks for following us and thinking of us
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