the past 2 weeks when my sister cries, i run over to check on her - it's sweet & a few times i even crack mom & dad up bc i've said "Oh NO, paci!" & i stick her paci back in her mouth!
i absolutely love animals - they've tried to video all my sounds but it's just not as good as in person. i say them all correctly except a zebra- for some reason i call it a feida or huida- we cannot really understand bc i make the zzzz sound fine otherwise?! & as you know i love to watch and dance to the wiggles but i cannot say wiggles; i call them goodles- again, we don't know why, we just know when josiah wakes up, he says "watch goodles" over and over! i've also been working on my break dancin skills so hopefully we'll have a video of that soon!

i love playtime with my daddy!

yup, i'm handsome!

but ugh, i didn't want this picture taken for some reason

& here i was okay but my sister decided to CRY
oh well, you still get an idea of what our family looks like
me 2 years and 3 weeks and ej 3 months and 1 week