our laundry is very interesting, esp. in the winter or like 6 months out of the year because we have to air dry it around the house- it is everywhere and it normally takes a few days to dry because it is so wet and cold- here you can get an idea of laundry everywhere- hanging from the ceiling, the wall, in the middle of the room, on the chair...i follow dad around and try to help out- what really happens is i play with the hangers or rearrange the clothes- here i found some clothes pins to play with so i'm not really all that helpful but i enjoy myself!

this pic is on here bc i just look so plain cute!
You are such a handsome fellow!!!
It's amazing how they "help". M.J. decided to "help" me with the girls' underwear box. He "helped" put ALL of them on the floor! Then walked out of the room with the box! LOL
What are we going to do with those darling boys! LOL
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