So I'm not usually up for writing a ton on here- a few stories, milestones, events...but lately i've noticed something about my children lately- SIN! yup, not something surprising or new for those of you who have children of your own- but i've noticed it a lot and how sneaky and cute it can be, deceiving, even look pretty, sound sweet but truly it is ugly and horrifying how much we actually sin...i'm sure i didn't need to have kids to realize this, but it is something that just seems to be a several-times-a-day kind of discussion with me and my kids these days...i don't really enjoy it because i mean i'd rather feel good about them being cute and sweet and innocent but there is nothing good about believing a lie- and the reality is as my husband explained to me- not that they are learning to sin- but what is already in their hearts is becoming so evident in the way they live. So, i find myself yet again praying and asking for God's perspective to be faithful to my kids in pointing out their sin, teaching them about the holiness of God, that He detests sin and their only hope is in the redemptive love of Christ. Some people seem to think that is way too deep for my precious little faces, but that is their reality- they have no other hope- Christ is their only hope and i have a lifetime of teaching them that. The other difficult thing about teaching them about sin is seeing my own sin more clearly and how it is rebellion against my Great Savior, that it saddens Him so each time I choose to not heed His voice, when I choose to throw a fit about how I don't' want to do something He's called me to, when i choose to handle a situation with a complaining heart rather than a thankful heart, when i grumble about how hard the glorious life is He has called me to, when i don't' appreciate that He loves me, adores me, wants to challenge, prune me, make me more like Him- I'd rather trade all that in for a momentary satisfaction that i took control of whatever situation. I'd rather respond to life, to people however I feel and then seek God about it and even maybe, like my kids say "oh I'm sorry"...I don't feel like I'm the greatest example of a sinless person to my children. And maybe that is part of God's point- I am a perfect example of a person desperate for His redemption every moment of every day! I am the perfect candidate for showing them how much we all need Him!
so then i found myself contemplating how sinful my kids are, which they are...
and God surprises me with a few unexpected blessings from my kids-
We are on the elevator and Evie Joy says Mommy, Pray for this Auntie- The lady asks what Evie Joy said and I explain...we go home and pray for her. Josiah sees some cross bookmarks in our home and asks if we can give her one...grace- in the midst of their sin, God is still speaking! I love this! I love that He is not silent and He doesn't just leave us in our sin! Then we go out to play another day and Josiah says "Mommy this is my friend. We need to pray for her, she is wearing a false god!" Then another day he says "Is Daddy telling that man about God?" Antoher time, Evie Joy then out of know where says "Ganxie Shangdi" which means "Thank God" in Chinese - we were like thank you Evie Joy for such a great reminder! I love that they are learning more than how to sin :) I praise God for His grace on sinners and that He can speak to children about deep spiritual things because for in fact we are all called to become like children to even draw close to Him.
So now I'm going to stop writing :) but continue praying Where Sin Abounds, May Grace Abound More!