Thursday, September 30, 2010
evie joy 1 year old photos
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
our friend Tina
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Evie Joy & her communication skills...
so in case you haven't been informed there is this thing called a pickle- you stick your two fingers together, one from each hand and someone breaks your pickle :0 it's a game, ej and jo love it. it is especially cute to see ej's pickle- she does like the palm of one hand and the finger of another. of course, it's hard getting her on camera, but here is a shot! also, she loves pat a cake, she "rolls" it with the best of them! again, hard to get on camera. she also is super cute when she "wipes it off" see Big Daddy taught Jo to "wipe it off" when he falls down to get over it fast, EJ learned this skill along the way and when we tell Jo to wipe it off, she does also.
She also says Nana, Ball, Ugh OH, shoes, All done and does the sign for All done and then stands in her chair to be let down- if she is not let down, she continues eatting while standing, if she is let down she gets down and then still asks to eat for more- so not quite understanding the concept of all done! she is getting quite good at her animal sounds- woof, moo, roar (really gets into this one!), ooh ooh, ahh, ahh, we are again quite proud of our child walking around day and night practicing animal sounds :) what a delight :)