Saturday, November 17, 2007

Josiah's last night in the womb

Josiah Finally Arrives

So we have great news everybody!!
It's a BOY!!!!!
Timothy Josiah Eric Rymer was born on Thursday, November 15, at 8:29 PM local Hong Kong time (Nov 15 7:29 AM est).
He was 6 lbs 10 oz. and 47 cm. (18.33 in)
He is healthy and adorable.
We will call him JOSIAH.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Hey Ya'll- Baby Maulhearn..woops, uh we aren't to call him Maulhearn anymore, has a blogspot. And a name- We will call him Josiah (after many long hours of deliberation, he does have a real name). So soon he will pop out of mommy's belly-it's huuuge!! And then we will show pictures of his smilin face and white bottom. Anyways..

We are anxiously waitin and we know you are too.