Monday, August 3, 2015

Welcome BABY!!!

Elijah Charles David 
Born July 16,2015 10:47 am, 8 pounds 7 ounces, 20 inches
Elijah- love that the Bible promises we have a nature like Elijah's and can pray and be active powerful participants in God's sovereign ultimate rule, reign, victory, praise
We pray that our son Elijah will be a messenger of God to his generation
love how God took Elijah the Prophet in a chariot of fire and he was no more…the promise to us who believe to eternally dwell in the presence of God
Charles David is Katie's family name…her granddad, uncle and cousin…her Granddad and Cousin Charlie who were very special to her have both already passed away and 
we use this name in their memory
Also, love that the Bible says that David was a man after God's own heart, David was the unlikely son of Jesse chosen by God in the lineage of Jesus, the Messiah was chosen to 
enter the world through this line…

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