Saturday, June 4, 2011

A few at Preschool from Jenny

this is josiah's bathroom at preschool- to the Left is a urinal for the boys to stand and pee against the wall :) to the Right is a trough for girls and boys to squat and go potty...

i was encouraged the other day to smell that they had at least cleaned something in there with disinfectant!
above- josiah in his class from the window!
below- in line, right in front with his teacher :) he loves his teachers! he always runs up to them and hugs them when we get to class! and he was having a difficult time with their system of lining up because they push as all children do but it is not culturally considered rude so they are not told to stop and it is overwhelming for josiah to be in the middle of such a line so the front is good :) it elimates a bad start to his preschool day!

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